Sets the delta Z, or thickness, of the selected layer. Sets the layer Z elevation (the base height above the document ground plane) of the selected layer. Makes the selected layer the active layer for drawing and editing. Deletes the selected layer. Creates a new layer. Moves the selected layer to the bottom of the layer stack order. Objects will display in behind of objects on other layers. Moves the selected layer to the top of the layer stack order. Objects will display in front of objects on other layers. Moves the layer down in the layer stack order. Moves the selected layer up in the layer stack order. Set default object colors for all objects on the selected layer. Defaults are applied when 'Use Layer Colors' option is selected in Preferences. Set a scale for the selected layer. Affects the transparency of the layer as displayed on screen or on a QuickDraw printer. Layers Affects the transparency of the layer as displayed on screen or on a QuickDraw printer. Displays the name of the currently selected layer. The name of the layer may be edited here. Changes how objects are displayed when viewed from other layers.